"What did you say? Take a quick look! See! "

I saw the picture not far from Dashizhuang.
Scolin said that the Nut State filmed him in close contact with the giant worm.
"Master Zhuang, I told you not to play with the giant worm. You have to listen …" Liu Jinge was saddened.
This doesn’t make people catch something, does it?
Not far from Zhuang, it’s too late to say this now …
"Master Zhuang, the representative of the state has come to see me just now. He said that Nut State has called representatives from all the states in the world to judge you and ask you what to do!" Xu Jianfei also catch up.
"What did the state representative say?"
"Of course they believe you, but … Nut State claims to have mastered a weapon beyond the times. If you refuse to participate in the trial, Nut State will attack the manor …" Xu Jianfei shook his head. "Master Zhuang, I think Nut State is crazy. Let’s kill the commander of Nut State!"
Liu Jingue’s eyes are about to pop out, Master Zhuang. You must not listen to these people who are afraid of chaos.
Kill the nut state marshal?
Yes, thinking about it makes Liu Jingue’s legs ache.
Good old brown is also next to the "owner’s nut state system". Even if you kill the grand marshal, it’s nothing unless you can kill all the high-ranking officials in the nut state … Ah, what’s the ranking of Cisco Lin? If you want to kill everyone in front of Scolin, Scolin can be the leader and the problem will be solved! "
Liu Jingue stared and fed you guys a little awe!
This is that most powerful man on earth!
"This is really not the way …" Not far from Zhuang, he carefully thought and shook his head. "If they really contacted the Industrial Party for two months, even if they really have any terrible weapons … we are not afraid, but …"
I’m afraid the fire at the gate will hurt the fish in the pool
"And if the Industrial Party really wants to come, it must warn everyone that they won’t believe me if it can’t be clarified …" Zhuang said, "What kind of trial method do they want to judge me?"
"They invited representatives from all the States in the world, and also invited Olion and Qianwu."
"They invited Olion and Qianwu to judge me?" Zhuang felt angry and funny not far away.
"In that case … I will accept their trial!"
After the invasion of the giant bug, the trial of Zhuang not far away became the hottest topic in the world
Just yesterday, Zhuang was not far away or the savior of the world was the hero who guarded the earth.
But today it has been knocked off the horse and fallen into the dust.
Of course, not everyone in the world believes in the video of Nut State.
It’s so easy to fake videos in this era.
Not to mention that the video also jumps frames and flashes badly.
Even if this video is true, there is a reasonable explanation.
Everyone argued endlessly on the internet and divided into two factions to attack each other.
Anyway, what’s the point of not quarreling at present?
However, no matter how much you argue, the truth is still hidden in the dark.
If you want to know the truth, I’m afraid you can wait until this trial.
Both supporters and opponents of Zhuang not far are looking forward to this day.
This epic trial was held in the court of the intercontinental joint organization.
When is a day later.
Nut state is not going to give Zhuang not far from the slightest preparation.
Then the focus of the online debate became whether Zhuang not far will participate in this trial.
What should I do if Zhuang refuses to attend?
This trial is probably the most luxurious array on earth.
Two hours before the trial, a space carrier flew to the venue, and Olion jumped from the space carrier and strode into the venue.
Reporters immediately caught him talking and laughing with the leaders and delegates of Nut State, which seemed to be very familiar.
Less than ten minutes later, a golden light came from afar.
Big sleeves flaunt the sword of Fusang, and the sword of Wu Yu comes.
As two people entered the venue, many people felt a little bad.
They arrived so soon?
Have you made up your mind to jointly deal with Zhuang?
That village is not far away, isn’t it dead?
Chapter 1441 Anti-humanity
There is a small city on the west coast of Xizhou mainland, where the court of the intercontinental joint organization is located.
Almost all state disputes in the world can be settled here.
Today, the world’s attention is gathered here.
Because the trial here is one of the most powerful people in the world.

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