However, when I came to Xiaocaolu again …

People have disappeared.
"It was her!"
Wang Mu’s heart sank and turned to ask Luna, "Can we meet again after becoming attached?"
"Naturally," Shinto said, "and your development here is quite good, and this situation will happen again."
"…" Wang Mu.
Wang Mu took a deep breath, and now he knows the camouflage of dimly discernible flocculant, but he doesn’t know himself yet …
If we meet again, it’s the best chance to kill her!
Chapter 24 Goodbye Aoqing
Wang Mu, who left the sad village, still thinks about what happened just now.
"I follow you to Lingzhou … Can we meet?"
Does manager Lu Wangmu think that this purposeful progress can really trigger an encounter?
"Now that we’ve become attached, we’ll definitely meet again."
Luna waved his hand. "Please believe that I am a fairy official, but you may not be able to find out when you meet me …"
Wang Muxin said that this is not necessarily true.
"What is the reason for going to Lingzhou this time?"
Wang Mu know it is urgent not to freely asked at this time.
"Spirit continent this place marriage …"
Luna wanted to think "not so good …"
"What’s not good?"
"The marriage in this place is a little confusing …" Luna seems to be searching for words in her mind to try her best to explain "that is, the marriage combination here in Lingzhou is not in line with heaven"
"Not in line with heaven?"
"It is … people don’t become attached to people …" Luna Naidao
"…" Wang Mu.
There will naturally be some …
Wang Mu suddenly thought of an incident in which a woman of the second ride burned the clan wrapped up the sword master elder brother.
The phoenix clan is Lingzhou. They are not human beings, but have the blood of the spirit beast. Because of the blood of the spirit beast, the body often has some animalisation of the spirit beast.
Is … Beast ear niang?
"Real marriage often doesn’t attach importance to life form …" Moon Shinto said, "But if this is the case, there will be problems if the life of future generations continues, and the future generations will be the result of marriage. Do you remember the magic fish you gave me last time?"
"Remember …"
"That fish can combine different lives to produce offspring, which is a kind of deity to create a new life form. This kind of deity is often inseparable in this world, even if the world can be equally suitable …"
Luna recalled that "most marriages here in Lingzhou are foreign marriages with little digestion, and it is even less likely that there are more monks in Lingzhou than spirits and beasts to combine to give birth to offspring, and the marriage variables of different races are also great …"
"Before it was okay, Lingzhou’s life continued with special things to help."
"These years are not so good. According to the number of life in the world, the number of offspring born in Lingzhou is decreasing day by day …"
"Then the problem comes down to marriage and I am in charge of marriage … so it becomes my problem …"
"…" Wang Mu.

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