上海419论坛,上海龙凤花千坊,夜上海论坛,上海品茶工作室 桑拿会所 This place … is much more interesting than the previous one.

This place … is much more interesting than the previous one.

The first recording area is mainly a variety of biological warships, although different in shape, but the difference is not very big.
And the second recording area has many strange things.
Lynn came to this place because she detected the position of the micro-mechanical control institute of Jingsi.
The second recording area is completely distorted, that is, every time you advance a certain distance, you will reach an area with different shapes and sizes. There is something like a thinker in each area.
Some of them are a big storm, some are a wonderful phenomenon, and some’ energy creatures’ are still being written.
Lin has generally observed the situation here at present. It is completely different from the first recording area, and it feels more like cutting a small piece of virtual space and putting it here.
Most of the artifacts here are dormant, with a few activities, and the thinker is the only one who goes out.
In the second recording area, Lin also saw its appearance. From the’ appearance’, it looks like a white ellipsoid object with a diameter of more than 30 thousand kilometers
Of course, this white ellipsoid is its shell and the part is its body.
Actually don’t see those similar crystal structures, but a lot of … stones look more like a lot of floating stones together.
Here it controls the micro-mechanical storm outside, and at the same time it immediately destroys Lin and comes here to observe the arms.
Lin sent many arms to the recording area to observe that those who were close to Jing Si had been destroyed, but it was not an immediate response. Lin still observed it.
Lin doesn’t plan to send a large number of troops in yet. Lin plans to investigate this place for a while.
Mainly to see if there is anything like before … responsible for managing things here and see if you can directly understand the information in this recording area.
And the micro-mechanical storm outside Lin still has to solve them first
In fact, the bus-like organisms can interfere with them to a certain extent. The storm, which was moving rapidly, has now stopped.
Of course, whale dwellers are still frightened, and they prepare themselves as vagrants, but in fact they don’t have this ability. Although their giant whales can move in vain, they still need to break through many technologies to achieve this goal, but as the crisis approaches, their breakthrough speed will be faster than normal.
Then Lin released a huge amount of troops.
In fact, a large number of micro-arms sent them to the vicinity of the micro-mechanical storm and made these micro-arms form a’ river’ with a width of more than ten kilometers to rush toward the storm.
When Lin’s micro-arms flow approached the target, Lin found that the storm had an interesting reaction. They were constantly assembled, and each machine became bigger and bigger with the machinery around them.
At the same time, with this change, they move faster and faster. Obviously, after Lin interfered with the control source, they can move themselves. Although the initial movement speed is slow, Lin thinks they should be able to create a new control core by themselves.
Because the micro-mechanical storms are moving faster and faster, and they will soon be able to move again, when they can move again, they don’t attack Lin’s river, but continue to move towards the eternal night.
This storm finally succeeded in reaching their goal. When the world was flooded by several micro-machines, everything collapsed rapidly, whether it was mountain peaks, rivers or ground buildings, they were decomposed by mechanical storms and quickly pulverized.
However, this storm has not spread to the whole world, and it has been connected to the back of the Yinglin micro-arms river.
When Lin’s micro-arms flooded into this storm, they stopped spreading and concentrated on Lin, which was much more intense than hitting the tentacle group. These micro-machines have all kinds of weapons, although they are relatively simple, most of them emit some high-radiation and small explosives or they are explosives themselves.
Lin’s micro-arms are much less in number, but they quickly destroy the enemy’s wreckage to rebuild their own troops, so that Lin’s arms are playing more and more, and Lin is constantly sending in a large number of reinforcements
Lin found that the other side kept gathering and assembling a large number of micromechanics to form powerful explosives, which directly rushed into Lin’s army to detonate.
If you look at it in vain, you can see that the surface of the earth blooms in succession at night.
It is true that it is more effective to clean up a large number of micro-arms by explosion, but because of it, these explosives can’t go deep into Lin’s army, so it also caused a lot of harm to itself when it exploded
The explosion all night and the mini-war storm continue to wreak havoc on everything, and on this battlefield, Lin suddenly saw a huge shadow
That’s a huge whale. It’s more than 30 kilometers long. Although this size is far larger than that of the average whale dweller, its shape is indeed a whale species of whale dweller.
After this huge whale appeared, it also intended to rush into the battlefield. It flew towards the storm.
This seems … interesting because Lynn knows where it comes from.
During the war, Lin found that many whale dwellers were in a state of despair.
Although they were desperate, they are now very desperate, which includes the feeling that it is difficult for them to become vagrants, but the most important thing is to see the eternal war
They don’t know what invades them, and they don’t know that Lin is at war with the thinker. They know that a terrorist force has destroyed one world and now it is going to destroy the second one.
These despair made many whale dwellers pray to their’ God’ that this huge whale was their’ God’.
Like many personality creatures, whale dwellers have beliefs, and the common belief is that they feed on giant whales. Of course, there are also many whale dwellers who don’t believe in what gods use giant whales as tools, but this does not prevent a considerable number of whale dwellers from believing in giant whales.
When desperate, these believers kept praying, and Lynn found that their prayers were answered.
But this response is not the true god, but something hidden in the second recording area.
It seems that it can sense the despair outside and feel so many pious prayers. After that, it decides to create the image of a god imagined by whale dwellers … to speed up their doom.
Chapter 46 Changes
The virtual whale brought them hope.
The mini-storm war on the surface of the earth continued, and the arrival of this whale changed the situation. Its body flashed like stars, and the stars rained down and hit the square storm accurately … Lin arms.

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